Wednesday, 17 April 2013

More than fashion

Plenty of people think that fashion is shallow, that fashion only exits for thin, wealthy and pretty people. However, it is not that, it is a way to express yourself, a way to show your personality, your feelings, your thoughts… Considering this, a few weeks ago some of the most important events in fashion took place, the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week of Madrid and the Fashion Week of Milan.

With its new name, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week of Madrid, and its 56 editions, the veterans and new designers had a big challenge to overcome; they had to convince people with their new collections for this autumn-winter. This year, 41 designers paraded and 20 exposed their collections in the Showroom of Ego. With these parades we observed the new forms, colors and styles proposed by the top designers and the new ones, although they did not change too much compared to the last collections. Nevertheless, the most important fact in this edition was that it was the first time that models had been between the 18 and 19 percent of body mass index; it was a very important step for the “Cibeles parade”. 

In the 55 previous editions, there was almost always one model with anorexia or bulimia parading. This was a huge problem because fashion had influenced many children, especially girls that wanted to be as thin as the models without knowing the consequences. Thus plenty of people blamed fashion for anorexia. Therefore, they had a great challenge to overcome, they needed to stop that, no more anorexic people on parades!

In the Fashion Week of Milan we glimpsed the best things of Italian fashion. We observed parades from Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace… but one of the most surprising ones, was a parade were models were not especially thin and they were not ashamed of their body. Those women wore swimsuits and apparels, they were proud of their size and plenty of women must follow their example. This was a significant step for fashion; why do all models have to be thin?

It does not matter about your physical appearance, your wealth, your ideas… because fashion is on a higher level where you express your feelings, ideas, your personality, at the end of the day, it is an international language spoken by everyone.


  1. I think that models mustn't be so thin, just because the are followed by plenty of young people and their influence and the fact that they wanted to be like those who are on parades can led to serious problems.

  2. I agree totally with you. I think that it doesn't really matter your phisical appearance as long as you fell confortable with it. Models should be more worried about the way they're influencing people.
